Stretches To Relax The Muscles Of The Body

Mind and body are one. When we are stressed, our muscles tense up. Practicing stretches can help relax them, calm nerves, and make us feel better. Anyone can do them, anytime, anywhere.

When we deal with a time of high stress, the body tenses up and prepares for battle. As part of this stress response, we experience an increase in muscle tension.

This excess muscle tension wastes energy contributes to fatigue and can result in chronic pain.

Muscle relaxation stretches can be the solution to body tightness.

These are simple techniques that help calm the body (and mind) and respond to the stress of life. Learning to systematically relax the muscles of the body will help us feel better and better face the challenges of everyday life.

muscle relaxation stretches

Stretching is a simple and pleasant exercise that can be done by anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

They constitute a fundamental link between a sedentary life and active life, as they keep muscles agile and flexible, release tension, relax and prepare the body for day-to-day life.

Stretching is easy, but when done improperly, it can do more harm than good. Therefore, it is essential to understand the correct techniques.

Stretching, when done correctly, makes us feel good, but don’t push your limits or try to go a little further every day. Regularity and relaxation are the keys, and the goal is to reduce muscle tension and gain greater ease of movement.

relaxation and flexibility

Stretching is not stressful. But rather the opposite, it is a calm and relaxing action.

By stretching regularly and exercising frequently, we learn to enjoy movement.

In this way, by knowing more about the body and its needs, we can develop our personal potential and gradually build a lasting foundation for physical well-being that will last a lifetime.

Anyone can learn to stretch their muscles, regardless of age or flexibility. And these can be done whenever you want and anywhere.

Benefits of stretching

Stretching relaxes the mind and prepares the body for exercise, so stretching should be done daily.

Reduces muscle tension and relaxes the body.

Helps improve coordination, facilitating movement.

Increases mobility.

Helps prevent injuries.

It facilitates the practice of intense activities.

Helps maintain the degree of flexibility in the muscles.

Develop body awareness.

Produces wellness.

Stretches relax the back

We propose a simple series of stretches, which can be done lying on your back.

  1. English  Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Hold 30 seconds. Let the weight of your legs do the stretch.
  2. Bottom.   Bring your knees together and place your feet on the ground. Raise your left leg above the other, and use it to push your right leg to the ground. Hold 20” and switch sides.
  3. Neck.   Rest your back on the floor, place your hands behind your neck and raise your head until you feel a stretch. Let your chin relax. Hold 5 seconds and repeat 4 times.

4. Shoulder blades.   He puts his hands behind his neck and tries to bring his shoulder blades together. His chest moves up. Hold for 5 seconds and then move your head forward. Repeat 4 times.

  1. Lumbar    Contract your glutes and abs. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, relax and repeat 2 more times. It will allow you to maintain a correct posture, sitting or standing.

6. Elongation. Lying on your back, extend your arms behind your head and stretch your legs (insteps too). Hold for 5 seconds, relax and repeat 2 more times.

  1. Back and legs. He brings his leg up to his chest, with his hands behind his knee. Hold 15 seconds. Repeat with the other, and then with both at the same time.
  2. Hip. Bend your left knee at 90º and bring it over the other leg. Turn your head to the left. Hold 15 seconds and switch sides. The shoulders are close to the ground.

9. Sphinx. Lying on your stomach, raise your trunk and rest your elbows below your shoulders. The hips remain on the ground. Stay 10 seconds and repeat 2 times.

  1. Fetal position. To finish, lie down resting in the fetal position. On your side, with your legs bent and your head resting on your hands. Try to relax for a few minutes.

As you can see, the exercises to stretch your back are simple and easy to remember. Of course, do them in the order and in the way indicated.

It is important to learn to listen to the body. If stretching causes pain, the body is warning us that “something is wrong.” If this happens to you, relax gradually until the sensation is pleasant.

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