Foods To Combat Anxiety

The Best Foods To Combat Anxiety

Recent studies suggest that a healthy diet promotes better emotional health. Adding certain fresh, unprocessed natural products can help calm anxiety, lift mood, and support brain health. Find out which Foods To Combat Anxiety.

Although stress has many causes, there are certain nutrients that can help decrease anxiety symptoms.

Several studies have shown the effectiveness of some foods in supporting brain function and relieving stress. In this post, we tell you how to achieve calm “from within”.

what is anxiety

Anxiety is a natural mechanism that allows us to be alert to compromised events, according to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.

In fact, moderate anxiety can help us stay focused and face the challenges that lie ahead.

However, sometimes the anxiety response system gets overwhelmed and malfunctions. That is, the alert is triggered in the absence of danger.

This is when the person can feel paralyzed with a feeling of helplessness and, in general, a deterioration of psychosocial and physiological functioning occurs.

symptoms of anxiety 

When anxiety occurs at inappropriate times or is so intense and long-lasting that it interferes with normal life, then it is considered a disorder.

Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illness. It affects approximately 7.6% of the world’s population.

Likewise, medication is often required to treat anxiety. However, there are other strategies that also help reduce it: exercise, breathing techniques, and a balanced diet. 

11 foods to combat anxiety

  1. Spinach. They are one of the best sources of magnesium, such as green leafy vegetables, seeds or nuts. Magnesium helps to relax the mind and also the muscles. We all tend to have a magnesium deficiency, especially anxious people.
  2. Salmon. Contains vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote brain health and regulate dopamine and serotonin, with calming properties.

The University of Bergen (Norway) found that people who eat salmon three times a week have less anxiety than those who eat chicken, pork, or beef.

  1. Whole grains. They help balance the level of sugar in the blood, like legumes and reduce stress. Take them better in grain than in the form of flour. Sugary cereals, on the other hand, raise and lower the blood sugar level suddenly.
  2. Eggs. They are the food that has the highest biological value proteins. This is measured by its amino acid composition, the highest of all foods. The amino acids (GABA and taurine) have anxiolytic effects. They are also found in fish and nuts.
  3. Turmeric. Contains curcumin, a compound that promotes brain health and the prevention of anxiety disorders.

The University of Reims (France) revealed that curcumin can help prevent damage to brain cells related to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

  1. Banana. It combines two anti-stress substances: potassium and tryptophan. The first is key to the functioning of the nervous system. Tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin (the hormone of well-being). If it is a little green, its starch helps to regenerate the intestinal flora.

More foods to combat anxiety

  1. Dark chocolate. Contains flavonoids (epicatechin and catechin) that act as antioxidants, which can benefit brain function and have neuroprotective effects.

The University of Alquila (Italy) discovered that flavonols can increase blood flow to the brain and allow it to better adapt to stressful situations.

  1. Clams. They are among the richest foods in iron. If we have anemia due to a lack of iron, it is easy to develop anxiety. Foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, pepper) help to absorb iron and, on the other hand, calcium (dairy products) makes it difficult.
  2. Yogurt. Probiotics (healthy bacteria) found in some yogurts can improve emotional health. Many studies support the idea of ​​the gut-brain connection.

Likewise, the University of Verona showed that the intake of probiotics helps improve mood and conditions changes in cognitive strategies to deal with problems.

  1. Infusions. Limit coffee if you feel anxious. Complement your meals with infusions that help you relax, such as linden, valerian, lemon balm, orange blossom, lemon verbena, lavender, or passionflower. Take them alone or combined with each other to achieve different calming effects.
  2. Green tea. Contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that has been studied for its positive effects on brain health and anxiety reduction.

The University of Basel (Switzerland) revealed that the combination of L-theanine and other compounds in green tea help promote calm and relieve anxiety and are more effective together.

Anxiety is a complicated mental health disorder that requires a multitude of approaches to manage effectively.

Along with proper therapy, food can help maintain emotional balance, reduce anxiety symptoms, and promote better brain health.

Also, adding fresh, natural foods to your diet is a great way to support overall wellness.

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