Does sleeping a lot good or bad?

Getting little rest is detrimental to health. But, doing it in excess can be a sign that something is wrong. If you need to sleep more than 9 hours, it could indicate that you suffer from sleep apnea, narcolepsy or even depression. It is best to ask a doctor and clear up any doubts.

Getting little sleep is not good for your health, we all know that. But what about sleeping too much?

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, adolescents and people with certain illnesses may need more than 9 hours of sleep.

Sleep needs are individual. If a person sleeps 9 hours or more but wakes up with energy, a good mood, and no other symptoms, he does not have to worry.

However, too much sleep may be related to an underlying problem. If, in addition to sleeping a lot, you are tired and sleepy, depressed, or feel any other discomfort, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

I sleep too much… why?

The amount of sleep we need can change throughout life. In addition, individual factors such as general health and activity level should also be taken into account.

Specialists advise that adults sleep at least 7 hours a night.

Of course, if we spend a whole night finishing a job or studying for an exam, it is normal that the next day we sleep until late. The body tries to repair itself and get the rest that we have deprived it of.

Since when can sleep a lot be considered a disease?

Needing too much sleep is called hypersomnia or “prolonged sleep.” It is not considered a disease, but a symptom. This condition affects about 2% of the population. People with it may need 10 to 12 hours of sleep a night to feel good.

A person who often wakes up during the night may experience hypersomnia. And it is that, although you do not remember the awakenings, these can make you not feel refreshed.

This sleep disorder usually begins in childhood. However, if the tiredness started in adulthood, something else may be going on.

Is it bad to sleep more than 8 hours?

If you regularly fall asleep for long periods, it could be a symptom of something more serious.

disease. When we start to feel sick, our instinct tells us to sleep more. It has been proven that those who rest more recover faster.

Depression. People with depression may have trouble sleeping. Others may sleep too much. Sleep disturbances can also cause depression.

Sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea causes breathing to stop for 10-20 seconds while sleeping. This causes brief awakenings, causing daytime sleepiness.

Narcolepsy. A rare disorder that causes a sudden onset of sleep, loss of muscle tone, and dreams. Drowsiness is often experienced during the day.

Consequences of sleeping too much

For people with hypersomnia, sleeping too much can cause the following problems:

  •     anxiety
  •     low energy
  •     memory problems

Likewise, people who fall asleep may also have a higher risk of car accidents.

To enjoy quality and healthy sleep, it is important to regulate your body rhythms by going to bed and getting up at the same times every day, including on weekends. It is also important to receive natural light in the morning.

There’s no question that getting enough sleep is one of the essential building blocks of a healthy life, but sleeping too much can be a sign of an underlying health problem.

If you usually sleep more than 9 hours a night but still don’t feel rested, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

If you like to sleep a lot, and you spend many hours in bed, you become a less productive and efficient person.

In order to combat the desire to sleep a lot, it is important to create a routine and apply some simple tips to get up earlier and better.


A) follow a schedule

The body gets used to the routine you impose on it. That’s why it’s important to go to bed and wake up at the same time.

After several weeks of getting your body used to this hourly routine, it will be easier for you to wake up.

B) sleep in cycles

Because sleep is divided into 90-minute cycles, you can monitor your sleep and sleep according to these cycles.

If you wake up before the alarm clock rings, it is better that you get up and not enter a new cycle.

C) Guide yourself with sunlight

Light is important to guide your sleep routine, and to achieve optimal quality sleep.

Natural light activates the body to start the day, and the night signals our body that it is time to go to bed.


A) Don’t snooze the alarm

The alarms that allow us to postpone them every 5-10 minutes are a self-deception that does not favor us.

In the time between alarms, you can enter a new sleep cycle and wake up in a bad mood.

B) take a shower

If you’re still having trouble opening your eyes in the morning, head straight into the shower and alternate hot and cold showers.

This method will get you to wake up immediately, and stay active.

C) Motivate yourself

Think of something that motivates you and makes you jump out of bed, so that when the alarm clock goes off you won’t have a hard time getting up.

Motivation can be in breakfast in the morning or in some activity that you are going to do that day.

3.- Stay awake

A) Take short walks

If time and work permits, take short walks down the street or to the office when sleep invades you.

Walking for 20 minutes is perfect for activating blood circulation and fighting sleep.

B) Control the dose of caffeine

If you like to sleep a lot, you may think that the best solution is to drink a lot of caffeine and thus stay awake.

Caffeine helps, but it is important to rationalize the dose and not abuse it only in the morning.

C) Avoid napping

If you have a hard time staying awake, avoid napping so that you fall asleep earlier at night.

If you cannot avoid sleeping during the day, see a specialist to rule out any sleep disorder.

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